1) This one is not such a shocker but everyone knows everyone along with their personal business
2) People have tabs!! I go to this local coffee shop almost daily now to sit and observe people and use the internet. And I am amazed that people go up, get their coffee and then later in passing say "hey should I pay now or just put it on my tab?" Just amazing to me!!
3) Everyone is REALLY nice! It's a little jarring to be honest, I'm used to people being very cold. However, I myself have just been totally stepping outside my comfort zone and to everyone I run into I go "hi! I'm Erin and I just moved to town, what's your name?" It's been really awesome to totally put myself out there, especially because the responses have been so open and inviting. Its actually really refreshing being so social and just striking up conversations with everyone. I fell into this awful bubble back home where I didn't go out, and none of my friends wanted to ever go out. I had a feeling that this would happen once I moved into a place where I didn't know anyone, and I was right!! So cool.
Have a great evening (or day!)