Thursday, February 16, 2012

February is filled with LOVE!!

  I officially now feel like I am doing some awesome stuff in my program.  I am totally in my element and doing exactly what I want to be doing job wise.  I truly cannot tell you how amazing I've been feeling lately, especially with all of awesome turns outs that have been happening in my classes!!!!
  I am now teaching 7 fitness classes a week!!  All with 10 or more women in each class!  Which for Boonville and the population being all Mexican women, is pretty amazing.  Three mornings a week I lead a power walking group, we are now up to 3 miles, with the goal to either walk or run in the Boontling Classic (a 5k race) in May.  I also teach 3 Boot Camp classes (one of which is during 7th period at the high school, so its not a full class) and that class has now got me quite a reputation in town as being an awesome ass kicker!  Literally every where I go now, people know who I am and say "oh my god so and so told me they took your class and was sore for 3 days!!"  It feels pretty good :-)  I also am teaching a fitness for over 50 class, which is more of a low impact type of workout.
  Also, with my nutrition class, I now have over 10 women in that class, and all of them are super motivated to lose weight.  So with that, I have now changed my passion project to fit more along the lines of the nutrition class and my fitness classes.  I am doing a 90 day program with the women, with the goal of reaching their own goal weights or at least close to them.  I started out last week with having 30 minute one on one session with each of them to talk about their goals, take measurements, weigh them and give them some guidelines on what they should be eating and shouldn't be eating.  Then on going, every week I will meet with them one on on for about 15 minutes to check in, see how they are doing, weigh in and if they have any questions they can ask me then.  I've made up some food journals and fitness journals for them to write in every day to keep track, which I will also be checking in on each week and giving them helpful pointers.

  So!!! as you can see, I'M IN LOVE WITH WHAT I'M DOING!!!! :-)  Also, I am over the moon excited for how this is building up my resume in the most amazing way possible.  I have an interview next Sunday with a Boot Camp business that is specifically focused on Women.  Quite excited about it, my only issue is that I am not officially certified yet as a personal trainer, I'm hoping to get that taken care of before July so that if I get hired I can transition smoothly and not have any hiccups. 

   That's all the news from Boonville!  Good things are happening! YAY!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2012 Bring it on!!

  Happy New Year everyone!!

 This year is already proving to be quite an exciting year!!  I have so much going on and a few job prospects for when I finish with AmeriCorps... I've been quite giddy the past week with it all!

   So... my boot camp is going very well and we have now opened up the after school class (which follows the 7th period class) on Thursdays to the community.  I've started getting a few teachers coming to the class and they loved it!   Then starting in February I am going to be teaching a Saturday morning boot camp class for the community!  We will be accepting donations, which will be nice since it will go right to me, so a few extra dollars in my pocket will be quite nice to have.
  Also starting in February will be my walking club 3 mornings a week, plus my over 50 exercise class, as well as starting up my passion project!

  The Passion Project is this big project that we are required to do for the program, and it is supposed to be sustainable for after we leave.  My project entails stretching dollars and food stamps.  I am going to be setting up a transportation van which will take 8 women over to Ukiah (the next  big town over) and teach them how to shop efficiently at Safeway and other big grocery stores.  The goal is to make their money go further and learn to shop in a healthier way.
  I also set up a Facebook page for the AV B Well (the program that is sponsoring my classes) to help reach more people and advertise when classes will be!  Here it is:  be sure to "Like" it to follow whats going on!

  I have also been sending out my resume to several fitness organizations in and around San Francisco and have gotten many positive responses.  I do however need to get my personal training certification which is a bit pricey.  So here is me putting it out there to anyone who is reading, if you would like to contribute some money so that I can do this and therefore land a job I would very much appreciate it!!

  Much love to you all!! And thank you for following me on my journey towards finally getting into the professional world!!! :-)